Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Walk Now for Autism Speaks

Houston Speak Saturday September 28

Greater Charlotte Saturday September 28

Greensboro Saturday September 28

Jacksonville, FL Saturday September 28

Richmond, VA Saturday September 28

Kansas City, KS Saturday September 28

Austin, TX  Saturday September 28

Seattle Saturday September 28

San Diego Saturday October 5

Nashville Saturday October 5

Oklahoma City Saturday October 5

Birmingham Saturday October 5

Greater Boston Sunday October 6

Dallas/Fort Worth Saturday October 12

NYC Sunday November 3

*Visit for more cities and more dates

It's been a while since I last posted, and for good reason! This school year started out VERY rocky for my son and I can honestly tell you, I was close to a melt down. Thank God for family and friends for their support! This is the first year that my son has attended public school and the situation was less than desirable. I've never fought so hard in my life for something so basic--a fair chance for my child to be educated. Within the first week of school I was overwhelmed with emails about behavior (blurting out, touching, humming) to the point that I wanted to scream. I contacted every advocate, every professional that I could think of within a hundred mile radius to get some remnant of support. Even now, while things have calmed down, I still feel as though the battle is not over. It's hard living every day wondering in the back of your mind when the next phone call, email, note home is going to come. But I have resolved in my mind that no matter what, I will keep pressing forward. I will keep fighting for my son.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

As the beginning of the new school year approaches I cannot help but feel a sense of uncertainty. While all parents probably experience this at one time or another, parents of exceptional children, I believe, carry an extra burden. This year my children will begin a new school with my teachers, new is pretty overwhelmed! I wish there was a manual for parents of exceptional children on how to survive the school year!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mega Fest August 31, 2013 Woman of Purpose
Dallas, Texas 8:00 pm.  A portion of the proceeds, according to the website, will go to three pre-selected families who are currently affected by autism and also Autism Speaks.

Monday, August 12, 2013

The opinions posted in an article on were real eye openers and demonstrate the need for advocacy and education in schools across the country.

Letters: Normal Kids and 'Mainstreaming' Special Needs Kids

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Autism Resource

Check out the Ican House's website at It's a great local (WINSTON SALEM, NC)resource for children and their families living with autism.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Aspergers vs. Autism Study

Asperger's and Autism: Brain Differences Found: Yahoo! News

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Modern Therapy

Blogging is SOOOO therapeutic! I encourage any parent of an exceptional child to blog, tweet, post to Facebook...anything to reach out to others and give yourself an outlet for whatever feelings and emotions you are experiencing.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Anyone who parents an exceptional child knows the joy and pain that comes the territory. Nowhere in those best-selling parenting books is a chapter on Bringing up the Exceptional Baby or  Nurturing the Special Child. There are no Single-Parents Guide to Dating that provides insight into how to reconcile the fairytale of romance with the reality of life...instead, those of us who are blessed with these children and their beautiful minds, hearts and souls are left to figure things out on our own.#reallove#iluveli#ilovesomeonewithautism